tiller covenant.
My desire is to build a safe environment where reality can be shared without barriers. I take it seriously that you are entrusting me with your story and with your desire to overcome the expectation gap that is present in your life.
I will be challenging you in ways that might be new and different for you. Please feel free to ask questions, but know that I am going to ask you to be completely honest with me. I promise you that whatever you share with me…
Will not be shared with anyone else, without your prior consent*
Will not be met with any judgement or condemnationI take this very seriously.
I take this very seriously. Your ability to be authentic depends on your ability to trust me. Overcoming the expectation gap will require both trust and authenticity on both of our parts.
What I am asking from you in return is...
Your openness, vulnerability, and authenticity
Your willingness to let me dig in further to gain more understanding
Your honest effort in working on the things that I challenge you to work on
You owning the scheduling for future coaching appointments
And your general desire for this ministry to grow and succeed
I offer this “coaching without barriers” as a method of making this kind of help exceptionally easy to obtain (no fee, no fear, no excuses). If you believe in this ministry and the power it has to draw each of us closer to God, feel free to donate online towards other people’s ability to obtain this help, just as others have done for you. Once again, there is no expectation that a donation will be made, I just want to address the question that most people ask me.
Lastly, if either of us feel like this coaching has ran its course, I want us to commit to open communication about the closure of the relationship as is. The last thing I want is for either of us to feel abandoned in this process. I believe that there is real victory in honoring each other and communicating effectively.
*Please understand that I am a mandate reporter for things like harm to self or others. Also, I might ask you if we can record our session for quality control purposes (internal use only with the tiller team)… you can always decline this.