thanks for giving your feedback.
i’d love to chat (even if you think i’m a terrible person).
Maybe you are here to complain. Maybe you are here to say hi.
Either way, I am glad you are here.
If you are here for the first reason, please read below…
Sorry for that kinda gross story I shared in my book. I really thought long and hard about sharing that example. My editor even challenged the wisdom of sharing something so suggestive. I was able to talk her into why it was important to keep it.
It was lotion. I didn’t do anything nasty. Besides, people have to provide these samples, and that doesn’t have to be shameful.
I think the imagery of us needing people to hold our stuff is important and powerful. Especially for men, we are so bad at that naturally. There is a reason that couples are up to seven times more likely to divorce if the wife is the one who gets sick compared to the husband.* We try to handle it alone because it is somehow more manly. And if it takes a bold example to get that through to guys—it seems worth it. We do not have to be isolated in our pain or anxiety.
*Check out these two articles highlighting this problem. NYT & Time